academic ascent
tutor & academic coach
Hi, I’m Tanisha! I am a neurodivergent coach and consultant with over a decade of experience working within the private, academic, and government sectors. I obtained my B.A. in anthropology & sociology from Spelman College in 2015, and my M.A. in psychology from the Catholic University of America in 2019. My expertise is in supporting neurodivergent adolescents and adults in providing neuro-affirming coaching. I use a collaborative approach in implementing academic tools that are specialized to each individual’s functionality. When I am not working, I am playing video games, listening to music, watching Ted Lasso, or walking my fur baby.
Grade Level(s): High school through adulthood
Hourly Bill Rate: $85-$115
tanishA's REVIEWS
“She is a truly kind soul willing to do whatever she can to help.”
-Brooke G., current student
National Tutoring Association
Academic Ascent LLC
Snohomish WA 98270
© 2019